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Better Together.

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. 

 ~  Helen Keller  

This is one of my all-time favorite quotes, by an absolutely inspiring woman who lived—no, she thrived—against the odds! “Alone we can do so little: together we can do so much,” said Helen Keller, who overcame her physical disabilities of being blind and deaf through collaboration, education, and patience alongside her teacher Anne Sullivan, and through her own—and their shared—tenacity and sheer grit. 

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I was introduced to Helen Keller first through a single book I checked out of the library when I was in 3rd grade. As an 

8-year-old, something about Helen Keller’s story—her strong will, her feistiness, and her curiosity coupled with the introduction of the equally strong-minded-yet-unrelentingly-determined and unwavering educator, Anne Sullivan—absolutely captivated me. 

Interest, ingenuity, conviction, stamina, endurance, perseverance, failure and ultimately achievements. Some of the many life lessons shown through the stories of Helen and Anne are where my strong early awareness of the power of ‘we’ emerged. As many of us do, I also learned the idea that we could be better together very concretely by participating in team sports (soccer and later crew) and other team activities all along the journey of my youth. The lesson that WE is greater than I—that even as we experience our lives individually, we are part of a bigger community and universe.


Back to 3rd grade: That year I read everything I could get my hands on about Helen Keller, from elementary level books through middle and high school biographies, and when I exhausted those, I checked out a college level book. I read at least as many books as my age, probably more. So many stories… and I dedicated my written book reports and projects (a diorama in a shoe box with a clay models of Anne and Helen by the water pump at the well springs to mind!) toward sharing her story with my own teacher and my classmates. So many in fact that it pushed my teacher to implement a new ‘rule’ in our 3rd grade class at Towpath Elementary School for book reports: While subject intensive interest was welcome, a maximum of 3 books on a single topic—even if they varied in reading level, by author and actual content—would be allowed moving forward.

What I think moved me ultimately was how independently strong each of these intelligent individuals were—but also ultimately how their strengths were amplified in ways that made each even better…from their work together.  They became individually better, but together they also became better in many ways—and that ultimately impacted the world beyond them, as well.


So here below are just a few items in that spirit, what I call my “Better Together” that I’d like to share and that I am involved in currently. There are many more in my personal life, and professional projects I engage in regularly.  And I’d love to hear what your life’s ‘better together’ looks like too!

Wendy Bazilian Jump Roping at the Beach

FALL 2024 in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Distinguished Lecture Award Keynote Presentation to Registered Dietitians and Health Professionals:

Better Together: Harnessing the Power of ‘We’ in Today’s ‘Me’-centered World

As a profession, our collective goal is to create a world where all people thrive through the transformative power of food and nutrition. Just as nutrients interact to optimize our health, synergy in various aspects of life through partnerships, teamwork, community engagement, and dynamic collaborations can amplify our effectiveness. Together, through an interactive presentation and shared space, we’ll recognize the collective impact that comes from working together toward both individual and common goals. We’ll explore how cultivating self-awareness and embracing diversity in its various manifestations can help us become better advocates for those we serve, impact the betterment of the field of nutrition, and be better together.

NOURISHING PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS: Mentoring Supporting Growth and Diversity in Our Professions and Our World

Presentation (previously presented and available to customize for other audiences)

The professional formality of mentoring can feel intimidating to some. In this presentation we explore mentoring through a contemporary lens and unravel some of the most asked questions about engaging in a mentorship, sharing the research on the value of professional mentorships and supported by experiences of growth with mentoring. With a speaker who discovered mentoring by being open and committed to sharing with peers and students, while also discovering a professional strength and passion, and others who participate in mentoring as a mentor, mentee or both, we together gain confidence and grow professionally and personally. Through engaging the interactively, providing resources and revealing the roadmap and tools for establishing productive mentor relationships, we can expand our capabilities and meaningful connections.

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Salon gatherings started back in the 18th century, privately held by individuals to share views and opinions. It was a place where people gathered to exchange ideas, have thought-provoking discussions, or pick-up a new skill. .

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Your salonnières, Dr. Wendy and Jen Nguyen, RDN, your salon hosts, create periodic gatherings to facilitate conversation around topics and themes to spark conversation and inspire ideas or skills that you may choose to use in your own life. Topics will be curated around public speaking and presenting, the power of human connection, and everything in between.

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